Saturday, February 5, 2011

life seems to be a changing....

Lately it's been quite interesting. Kaiti and I are work good jobs, and life is going pretty good. Work is hard for Kaiti because it's not what she wants to do. So somedays it's hard for her to be motivated to work. But she does so diligently. She never gives up, and works harder than anyone I've ever known. My work has been great. I love the guys I work with, I love the work, and I love the bosses. But because of the snow and school closing I haven't worked as much as I need to. So bills are kinda tight. But we'll manage because God's faithful. He's given us more than we need. So he's provided through the thick and thin, and he will always provide our needs.

One of the most exciting thing lately is that all of a sudden things we both absolutely love have fallen into our laps.

Kaiti has been working on our friends Kristen and Jory's wedding invitations, programs, etc.... She's been absolutely thriving on it. She keeps talking about getting a newer computer so she can really pursue Graphic Design as a career. Hopefully we can figure out how to make that happen.

I just started playing with my best friend Paul's band Colossus. It's a Christian Death Metal band. The music is quite hard and challenge to play, but I'll get it down. But it's been nice to have some awesome guys to chill with. And it's been nice to see Paul more.

Times may be hard in some aspects, but in others it's awesome. It's all about how you look at it. Kaiti and I are looking at the blessings, not the struggles.

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